Fotografic Memory

Fotografen Salman Ashrafi tycker att vi allt för sällan sitter ner och tar in och reflekterar över det som finns och händer runt omkring oss. Via projektet vill han påverka detta. Han sätter samman en stor mängd foto med musik som ger ett minne av händelsen.

Downtown Toronto from Fotografic Memory on Vimeo.

BUS RIDE from Fotografic Memory on Vimeo.

BUILDINGS + CLOUDS from Fotografic Memory on Vimeo.

(via: Digital Urban)

short vs. broad light

Studio Lighting – What Short Light And Broad Light Are |

What Is Short Light?
Short light is type of studio lighting setup, where the face side which is further from the camera gets the main light. see the diagram for details. In this type of lighting setup, the side of the face which is toward the camera gets less light then the side facing away form the camera. The effect you get when using this lighting setup is a thin face, this is why it is good to photograph fat (or chubby) people with a short light setup.